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来源:中国江苏网   作者:琳达·威廉姆斯(美国)   2018-03-23 14:12:00
我是Linda Williams教授,认识我的人大多都喜欢叫我琳达妈妈。我在常州已经生活了15个年头,我早已在这里拥有了一个温暖的家。


  作者简介:琳达·威廉姆斯,美国籍,在常州工作生活15年,外籍教师,琳达威廉姆斯咨询有限公司创始人,创立了Hands Around the World (世界手拉手)志愿者组织,被授予“常州市荣誉市民”称号,并被评选为“龙城十佳优秀教师”和“常州市十大杰出志愿者”。




  我是Linda Williams教授,认识我的人大多都喜欢叫我琳达妈妈。我在常州已经生活了15个年头,我早已在这里拥有了一个温暖的家。你看,美国是我的祖国,但常州——是我的家。


  常州共授予126位外籍人士“荣誉市民”称号,我荣幸地成为其中第一个美籍女性教育者。我创立了Hands Around the World (世界手拉手)志愿者组织,并荣获“十佳志愿者组织”称号。这个组织致力于提供社会志愿者服务,专注于培养年轻人的全球领导力及文化理解力。前不久,我还成立了mother 2 mother(母亲联盟),主要致力于家庭教育。我本人也被评为“龙城十佳优秀教师”和“常州市十大杰出志愿者”。然而,我并没有因为这些荣誉而感到自我满足——我更愿意用这种认可来帮助我们的城市变得更加友好,获得更多外籍人士的认可。









  我创立的HAW (世界手拉手)社团有一句格言“不是单纯地好,也不是单纯地坏,只是与众不同”,每个人都能改变世界,任何敢于把世界变得更美好的人都会被视为英雄。这种促进情绪智力发展的理念(M2M所倡导的)包括自信、正念,正在被常州的优秀学校越来越重视,并将其作为学校课程的一部分。我很高兴成为这种新趋势的一部分。常州正在成为一个“尝试很多第一次”的城市。









  A Love Letter to the Dragon City

  America is my country - but Chanzghou is my home

Dear Changzhou,

My name is Professor Linda Williams – but most know me call me Mama Linda. I am an Educational Researcher and Teacher. And recently I have established a grassroots enterprise called Mother2Mother which concentrates on Family Education. My time here is more than 15 years – long enough to have acquired what I call “My Golden Family.” You see, America is my country, but Changzhou - is my home.

I am the first American woman educator out of a total of 126 foreign designees in this city to be bestowed as an Honorary Citizen. I have founded and been awarded for being Founder of a top ten volunteer organization called Hands Around the World. It focusses on Global Leadership and Cultural Understanding with a commitment to volunteerism in society. And I’ve been honored with a Best Teacher award. But I haven’t accepted these honors in self-gratification – I have used this recognition to help our city’s progress toward becoming more “foreign-friendly and promoting it abroad.”

I am just an “ordinary” woman, who 6 decades ago, simply had an extraordinary dream. And this essay is a testament to all those who embrace the importance of keeping one’s dreams alive despite the circumstances and challenges in your life.

But, it is also my “LOVE LETTER” to a city that has embraced me in an amazing way. It took me a lifetime to get here and although I met with many defeats along my journey - I never let myself BE defeated. And it is that wisdom passed on from my mother from her mother, that I pass on to you who read this, as well as my students and Golden family here. It is the importance of adapting those character traits of INTEGRITY, RESILIENCE, PERSERVERANCE and COMMITMENT. And it is our responsibility to prepare our next generation with this core values. They are absolutely, cross-cultural and an imperative if they are to be successful in their lives.

  “I have always believed that the ultimate measure of a man/or woman is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” And believe me, as a woman coming to China alone 15 years ago, with only the belief that I had promised myself in this chapter of my life, I would be dedicated to service to others – challenges – that became a theme in my daily life.

  Now, my sons thought I had lost my mind.But, “mei wenti” – communication is more than just language. And as you can see, I have come to LOVE eating Chinese food, especially “jiaozi and spicy lazi ji.” Opps – chinglish!

  Another core belief that has influenced my decision to remain in Changzhou is that people will forget what you said, and what you did, but they NEVER forget how you made them FEEL. Each time that baton of leadership moves, so does the potential for progress.

  When I first arrived, University Town was newly built and looked more like a freshly planted field rather than the plush, green-rich environment it is now. But the fundamental concept of it touched me deeply. It was the 1steducational center focusing completely on vocational skills;a very special distinguishing feature in China. For me, that showed vision from a society with so many people and difficult access to higher education.

  It exhibited respect and a resource of integrity and hope for those students who didn’t pass that dreaded Goukou entrance exam. It is called the cradle of silver-

  collar workers -an entire campus that provides “service-oriented” job potential. There are now 3600 total Foreign Business investments here. Creating over 300,000 working positions due to this fact. And face it, English is necessary is all of today’s service-oriented industries. It is needed from manufacturing to customer service in the new high-speed train station. That’s why I wanted to be there.

  This is the Age of Information, and I recall those early days in a classroom – there were no cell phones, no projectors, in fact no technology of any sort. And at the time I witnessed a different from the Western style of teaching. But the changes which were to come from the offices of Jiangsu province educational department were both revolutionary and courageous.

  Teachers were dispatched like explorers to travel to other nations and bring back practical methods that were more creative, innovative and forward-thinking. I was inspired by this bold move from our province. Because with these pioneers-teachers “changes in the teaching methodologies” started to be implemented. Multi-media classrooms replaced the sliding blackboards and more foreign teachers began to appear in the city. Of course, change carries a double-edged sword creating new challenges for teachers in their classrooms. Now we battle students’ love affair with their smartphones. But this too will pass!

  During an examination unrelated I received news that every woman on the planet dreads hearing – I had not one by two tumors in my breasts. This was devastating, for a minute -my tendency is not to dwell on the negative. So, I got proactive! But every doctor, my family and my friends said the same – GO BACK TO AMERICA for treatment. But I explained I was home and I was treated successfully here at People’s #1 Hospital.

  In heart-felt gratitude I collaborated with the CZ Public Health department, CZ Municipal government and the citywide CZ Hospitals to design and implement a specialized Medical English course. So, it was a “win-win” situation!

  In my specific area of interest –EDUCATION - I marvel at the concept of the One Road One Belt initiative. It has brought a beautiful introduction of diverse faces from many nations into our city. In a truly global community, one must recognize without fear those who are different from ourselves. This will become a new cultural change to China – students will begin to understand and embrace that in diversity there is beauty and strength – and it should be celebrated and blended into the fabric of this nation.

  Another area dear to my heart in the city of Changzhou, is Tian Ai Rehabilitation School for Autistic Children. It’s Director and I have been friends now for more than 10 years. And I have watched this unique man’s inspiring dream boldly unfold. He has welcomed me into the development of this noteworthy project which will serve as a model for this entire nation. For that, I am truly grateful. Because what better way to teach young minds to embrace lives that are different than their own – than to pair them up as big brothers and big sisters with the children of Tian Ai. Every single student who has participated wins – it’s a “love – love” situation! The Hands Around the World project has a motto – “Not bad, not good, just different.” Every individual can make a difference in the world.

  Success is loving life and daring to live it. And as our young people find their place and purpose in this world, we must make them understand that they all can be hero’s – for anyone who dares to make the world a better place is to be regarded a HERO! This concept of promoting greater understanding in the area of Emotional Intelligence (Mother2Mother project) which encompasses self-confidence, and mindfulness being just as important as academic intelligence is becoming part of the standard curriculum for some of Changzhou’s best schools. And I am delighted to be part of this new trend. Changzhou is truly becoming a city of “firsts.”

  And while there is no question that Changzhou is marching boldly toward greater economic strength – the environment we provide young people to excel in must remain ever more creative, nurturing and innovative in its design.

  My mission is to remain dedicated to Changzhou, and to provide a living example of striving towards excellence now and for the rest of my life. Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that making a living is NOT the same as making a life.” This embodies my rapture for the Dragon City who allows me to make a life that I love.

  Respectfully Yours,

  Professor Linda Williams

  American, Female, Passport #545556963, Visa #07709937, Resident Permit #W16321100102

  Mother2Mother / LCWilliams Consulting

  Phone: 137 7507 7916

  Translator: Zhang Yin (Candice)

