Portraying Jiangsu from a Different Angle: My Life in Gaoyou
Richard James Stubington(United Kingdom)
Welcome to Gaoyou, afairly small Chinese city of eight hundred and ten thousand people. Gaoyou literally translates as ‘high post’ and this gives us a clue as to its historical significance. It was a major postal stop along the Grand Canal and the town itself has stood for over two thousand years despite suffering extreme flooding caused by the mighty man made canal that it straddles. The town itself may not seem remarkable to a passer-by, but having lived there for a year I can now appreciate what is remarkable about this city - its people and spring time.
I arrived at the end of summer, so I didn’t realise the hidden beauty of Gaoyou. My home country, England, can get rather cold, but I was surprised at how cold Gaoyou became too. The kind of coldnessthat cuts through your skin and bites into your bones. We had some snow too, which coated the city and surrounding countryside in sheen of white, very pretty in its own right but it still did not prepare me for the beauty of spring.
After a cold Gaoyou winter, spring was very much welcome. With spring came the rapeseed flowers. The surrounding countryside is painted yellow by these flowers. They are grown by farmers and also seem to grow wildly wherever they can too. My school is situated at the outskirts of the city, so after a long day of classes my wife and I would often ride around the countryside on our e-bike, taking photos and enjoying the wind in our hair. I played her a song called ‘Fields of Gold’ by Sting, an English musician. This song quickly became our song of choice as we drove around the edges of these beautiful golden fields.
I thoroughly enjoyed my whole stay in Gaoyou, whilst the other seasons don’t quite offer the vivid colours of spring, the people more than make up for it.
When I first arrived I was taken out by an English teacher at the school, this man turned out to be my supervisor for the year and he was laid back and had a good sense of humour. Having a good sense of humour is important for me as in Britain much of our speech, many of our conversations, involve humour. So to be working with Chinese people who are open to this was great.
At the school we also met a lovely local lady who was also an English teacher. She would often come to our office for a chat, to discuss lessons and to see how our classes were going.
A number of the English teachers at the school were interested to see how a foreigner teaches so throughout the year I would sometimes have other teachers observe my classes and take notes. This seemed odd as some of these teachers were much more experienced than me (I’m only 28 years old), and I’m sure they are also better teachers than me too! However, it was nice to share and to feel like I was having some kind of impact. I would like to think that the Chinese teachers learnt a little bit about how having fun in a class can improve class participation and I know I certainly learnt a bit about discipline and class control from them!
I cannot possibly talk about my school life in Gaoyou without talking about my students. I have lived in Nanjing, Yushan and Wuyuan (both in Jiangxi) and still I have most affection for my students in Gaoyou. I taught from grade 3 up to grade 8 across the primary and middle schools so my student age range was large. Whilst the youngsters from the primary school melt your heart with their cuteness, the real connections with students can be had at middle school. Their English level is higher and they are obviously more mature. A number of my grade 7 and 8 classes will stay in my memory forever. A lot of these students do not come from wealthy backgrounds, in my country this all too often results in students giving up and not caring about their education. In Gaoyou however I had many of these types of students, and they were some of the hardest working, kind hearted, happy and altogether loveable students that I have ever encountered. Students like these are a pleasure to teach and make the profession of teaching one of the most fulfilling careers out there.
The locals in Gaoyou are possibly the friendliest I’ve ever met on my travels. My wife and Iwere often invited to dinners.Wearebefriended a local maths teacher, a local police officer and even our landlord! After a short while of living in Gaoyou I was introduced to the local football team. I joined them and they truly treated me as not only a team mate but also as a brother - even in spite of my poor Chinese and their poor English. All the people mentioned above invited me into their homes and made me feel welcome. Chinese hospitality is simply on another level, and these guys were all fantastic! A handful of the football team and the maths teacher ‘Steven’ travelled to my wife's home town of Lianyungang to attend my wedding, it was a true honour to host them there and I made sure to tell them that if they ever visit Britain they can rest assured that they will always be welcome to a bed in my home. The friends I made in Gaoyou and the students I taught there are what makes this place special to me.