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Jinling Folding Fan keeps tradition alive
2018-04-20 15:07:00  来源:Jiangsu Now  作者:卫鑫  
  Ni Shijin, 60, provincial-level inheritor of Jinling Folding Fan, has been engaged in the industry for 38 years. “Jinling Folding Fan is famous in China for its delicate design and rich culture. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Emperor Chengzu, who came to the throne in ancient Nanjing, was impressed by its handiness and elegance, so he ordered the artisan to make royal fan in the palace. Since then, the folding fan began trending among the people.”

  In the Exhibition Hall of Jinling Folding Fan Technological Research Institute, the largest fan has a length of nearly two meters and the smallest one is almost the same size as the palm of an adult.

  The making of framework plays a vital part in the whole process. To make the hand-made fan “white as jade, shining like mirror, and thin as wing”, the bamboo with a growing period of six to eight years must be used.

  The price of folding fan ranges from 100 yuan (about $16) to more than 10,000 yuan. The fan made of Xuan Paper, known as Xuanzhi, would sell for more than 300 yuan, while the one made of mottled bamboo is the most expensive of all.

责编:苗津伟 崔欣
胡翼青 南京大学新闻传播学院副院长

俞 斌 ---- 浙江在线副总经理、副总编辑

张 凌 ---- 澎湃新闻互动新闻运营中心总监

陈炳山 ---- 交汇点新闻客户端首页编辑部负责人

何可一 ---- 江苏省广播电视总台新媒体事业部主任

