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来源:中国江苏网   作者:Sandeep Singh(印度)   2018-03-23 10:03:00



  我叫Sandeep Singh,是来自徐州医科大学的一名大四学生。我是印度人,在印度高中毕业后,为追求更高的医学梦想,我来到了中国。将来,我想当一名医生和研究员,我目前在徐州医科大学就读M.B.B.S。因为中国在医疗科学和技术领域的发展迅速,所以我可以很自信地说,来中国学医,我真是来对了。我已经在江苏徐州生活了3年,现在我想和大家分享一下我在这儿的生活点滴以及我如何实现梦想的打算。




  在中国教育是研究型导向的。我想在这里讲一个小故事。我有一个朋友Mathew,他在苏州大学学习通信工程,他申请了加利福尼亚大学一个学期的交换课程,并最终幸运地被录取了。我真的很喜欢中国大学积极与国际大学合作的办学模式,也很喜欢大学组织我们参加的世界著名教授的讲座。我曾经参加了由伦敦皇家学院Sian Harding教授的讲座,Sian Harding教授是干细胞领域的心脏病专家,她在伦敦帝国学院国家心肺和血液研究所教授心脏药理。到了互动环节,一些中国学生和国际学生踊跃地向她提出了各种问题。这种健康的环境对于促进学生参加社会福利的研究和工作是非常重要的。近日,克利夫兰临床基金会的Mathew教授参观我们的学校,做了一个和他研究领域有关的讲座。












  作者:Sandeep Singh(印度)



Myself Sandeep Singh, I am a 4th year medical student at Xuzhou Medical University. I want to share my experience of studying in China since last 3 years. I am an Indian citizen. I passed high school in India and decided to come to China for pursuing higher medical studies. I plan to become a Doctor and Researcher in future. I am currently pursuing M.B.B.S at Xuzhou Medical University. I can very confidently say that I am very happy with my decision of coming to china and studying Medical Science in this country where Science and Technology is advancing at a very rapid rate. I would like to express my views on how I have successfully lived here for 3 years and how I plan to achieve my dreams living in Xuzhou, Jiangsu.


I really admire the Education system in China where students are encouraged to take part actively in Research even during their undergraduate studies. In China, Chinese students as well as International students are really interested in doing various projects and doing scientific Research. I have various laboratories in my university namely the “Jiangsu Laboratory for Brain Disease and Information, Laboratory for studies in the field of Neurobiology”. All the labs are equipped with high technology equipment for Good Research. We have various students doing P.H.D and Masters here in our school in different fields. I would like to mention the fact that most of my Professors have Overseas Experience. Some of my Teachers have graduated with their P.H.Ds from world famous Institutes like Harvard Medical School, University of Melbourne, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, University of Pittsburgh. Many of our teachers publish their scientific articles in International Journals like “European Journal of Neuroscience”.

Education in China is really Research Oriented. I would like to mention a little story here. I have a friend whose English name is Mathew. He studies Communication Engineering at Soochow University. He applied for an Exchange Program to study for one semester at the University of California. Luckily he got accepted at the university and studied there for one semester. I really like the fact that Chinese Universities promote collaboration with International Universities. I have enjoyed attending the lectures given by world famous Professors through my University. I attended a conference hosted by Professor Sian Harding from Imperial College, London. She is a Cardiologist doing Research in the field of stem cells. Professor Sian Harding is a Professor of Cardiac Pharmacology at the National Heart and lung Institute, Imperial College, London.

I was really happy to see, how some Chinese students as well as International students were actively asking questions regarding her Research. This kind of healthy environment is very important in order to promote students to take part in Research and work for the Welfare of the society. Recently, Professor Mathew from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, U.S.A visited our school and gave a lecture about Surgery and told us about his Research.

I like my teachers, who teach me various difficult subjects like anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Genetics not only by textbooks but also with the help of videos, and other online sources. Our Pharmacology teacher used to show us T.E.D talks given by doctors on different topics. I used to love these interesting topics taught in such a nice and interactive way.


Now I would like to mention something about examination system in China. I feel that Examinations are difficult in China because of the fact that a student needs to achieve over 60% marks in every subject in order to pass. At the same time, our school has developed scholarship programme in order to encourage International Students. Students are awarded with the Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship for their excellent performance in academics. I was lucky enough to receive scholarship for the first year. I like the fact that Chinese Universities are extremely prestigious all over the world and they put sincere effort in doing Research in various fields. In the year 2015, I applied to the Fudan University and HUST for medical studies. Luckily I got into both the institutes namely Fudan University, School of Medicine and HUST, Tongji Medical College. But I was already a student at Xuzhou Medical University, so I decided to continue my Studies here.

I like the fact that our school organizes various competitions like Debate competitions, Quiz competitions, Sports meeting etc. Till now I have mentioned a bit about how my college has helped me achieve my dream of studying in a nice college. I would like to mention that I still have a long way to go to accomplish my dreams fully. I would like to mention that I dream about a career in the field of Neuroscience. I plan to do research in this field. I plan to join the neurobiology laboratory under one of my professor and publish a research article of my own by the end of my undergraduate study. Till now, I have been attending and observing scientific experiments under my Anatomy Professor Dr. Wei Ren Pan who is a very famous plastic surgeon doing research in the field of lymphatic system. I am deeply thankful to my teachers in china who are very cooperative and encourage students to do research.


I would also like to mention something about our university’s one of the most important places- Library. Our university has a new library constructed in the year 2016. It looks like a very developed library. We have an international section and a Chinese Section in our library. Our library is full of books, International Journals and articles.

I like the fact that our Library has the latest machines for issuing of books. We also have other facilities like conference rooms, lecture halls and Coffee shops for refreshments. It’s so amazing to see so many students studying in the library day and night. Sometimes I look at the Chinese students and feel that I should work harder when I see them studying from 8:00 A.M in the morning to 9:00 P.M in the night without taking a break. My Chinese friends like to study in groups; some of them study in the classrooms alone quietly.

HOSPITAL EXPERIENCES: I would love to mention something about my study experiences during my hospital class as a medical student. I think that as a medical student doing internship in the hospital and taking care of the patients is the best part of a medical student’s life. I have been to various hospitals during my study here at Xuzhou Medical University. The affiliated Hospital of our college is much updated and has many departments like Neurology, Cardiology, Urology, Orthopaedics, cancer etc. The No. 2 Hospital or the affiliated hospital of Xuzhou Medical University in Xuzhou handles a lot of patients’ every day. It has many talented doctors, nurses and other medical staff working 24 hours a day in order to take care of the patients. I have personally contacted patients receiving different kinds of treatments and I feel very proud and enthusiastic talking about their ailments and treatments they have received. Sometimes it feels very painful to see cancer patients, when they are suffering from this deadly disease and feeling that pain all the time.

As I mentioned earlier that studying through videos and face to face interaction with the patients is very important for a medical student. I would like to mention that the school teachers have been very cooperative in terms of letting us study not only through books but also through online courses. I have been lucky enough to complete many online courses (MOOCs) through organizations like Coursera and Edx. These courses have been very helpful to me in my medical studies. Sometimes it is very difficult to study through books as many terms and concepts are hard to grasp at once. So, these online courses are very helpful for us as they help us understand everything from a basic level. I am happy to mention that our school is also engaged in making MOOCs available to students. Our school leaders have been very careful of the fact that in this new era of education, we must develop new innovative methods to teach and learn new things. I am glad that many other Chinese universities like Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of Science and Technology of China etc. develop these kinds of courses to help students.


I want to try my best to achieve my Dream of becoming a good doctor and researcher, so I can relieve people of many deadly Diseases. I have achieved a little bit and I want to continue my journey here in China in order to become a good doctor. I plan to do research and continue my Masters and P.H.D in China at a very good university such as Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Tsinghua University etc. I know that achieving this big dream is a very difficult process and I have to work hard to achieve this dream.

I would like to conclude my Essay with a quote by ‘ALBERT EINSTEIN’.


