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【2018,我为江苏打call·第二季 】陆汉斌:梦萦苏北小城,盼“乡村振兴”更美

来源:中国江苏网   作者:刘浏   2018-02-07 11:19:00






  高质量发展是锦上添花 更是雪中送炭



  High-quality development requires high quality-talents. The relative lagging of north part of Jiangsu, namely cities of Xuzhou, Suqian, Huaian, Yancheng and Lianyungang, has much to do with the lack of talents.

  “Many entrepreneurs would talk about the difficulty they met in running technology-oriented companies in north Jiangsu. There is a dilemma that these cities can neither provide qualified talents, nor attract people from other places to come, leaving little room for technological innovation.”Lu Hanbin said.

  “The populationin north Jiangsuexceeding 30 million, there are few top-notch universities. However, with only 10 million people or so in Czech, there are 27 public universities!

  “To accelerate the development in north Jiangsu, the first thing I suggest is to build more top universities there.”Lu added.


  抓住战略机遇 做好大文章



  Jiangsu should integrate into the nationalstrategies and sharpen its unique competitive edge to explore new areas in domestic and international cooperation.


  Besides, Jiangsu should exploit the advantages to the full play. Boasting superior location, Jiangsu is taking the lead in development of industries, cultures, Reform and Opening-up, policies, as well as resources. On this basis, Jiangsu should make vigorous effects in industries like modern logistics, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy automobile and technology service, and boost the ecological tourism and modern agriculture, so as to effectively allocate the human, capital and information resources in Jiangsu.


  Last but not least, Jiangsu is more than a participator in the national strategies, but a leader in specific areas, especially in the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta. With precise identification, close cooperation with neighboring provinces and city, and innovation, Jiangsu could win shared opportunities and success.




  The influence of the First Jiangsu Development Summit should extend to local levels, rather than just stop at provincial level. Working staff in cities and counties should be assigned to keep in close touch with Jiangsu elites, filing them based on their specialties, so as to form a talent pool for local governments. In this way, local government can seek development and policy advice from the talent pool, while Jiangsu elites also have a platform to share their opinions and suggestions.


责任编辑:苗津伟 易保山